Lydia Spriggs
Owner, Sales, Business Development
Locally owned and operated, licensed and insured professional painting company. We specialize in residential homes and small commercial offices. Running 8 crews and doing about 50-60 projects a month we can easily get you onto our production calendar and make your painting project a priority, Since choosing color can be stressful, we offer an onsite Complimentary Color Consult with all booked projects that can help with the process. Highly Reviewed, Premium Products, Customer Focused, and Quality Driven for your painting needs.
Company: Five Star Painting of New Port Richey and Citrus Park
Phone: 813-431-2472
Networking Chapter Location: Land O Lakes
Best way to contact me: Email or My Cell
Member Discounts Offered: 10% off any painting service over $1500. Military/Veteran Discounts also offered.